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Performance Program

The Performance Program is an immersion type program that is designed to help the rider that wants to take their horsemanship to the next level.

Next one begins April 1, 2024 and Ends April 26, 2024.  

Held In Rio Verde, AZ at the Brandi Lyons Facility 

Ride for One month Monday-Friday with  Brandi.





 Brandi brings you the most comprehensive training program!  It is time to immerse yourself into developing your skills and your horses!  


Push yourself to focus on you and your horse. 


This will be the best thing you ever do for your horsemanship and your ability to go farther with every horse you ride. 


This program allows you to spend time on you!

Realizing you can do more, you can achieve more, and you can have more fun!  

Topics Covered 

  • Transitions… what is a transition, how to get them smooth without changing the body parts you don’t want to change, and how to do a collected speed transition.
  • Circles… how to ride a circle, get your horse to stay on the circle without falling in or leaking.


Topics Covered 

  • Rollbacks… how to ride them, how to do them correctly without getting in your horses way, and how to add speed to them.
  • Stops… how to ride a stop, how to get your horse to stop correctly off the rein, off the “whoa” and off your seat.
  • Flying Lead Changes… from the hip without anxiety.
  • Spins… how to begin in, how to ride it, how to add speed to it.

Immersing yourself into the program is the key to being successful. 

We tend to want to make major changes with our horse but we don’t have the time to make it happen. 

For example it can take as much as 20 hours to teach a horse to do a nice lead change.  When you ride 3 days a week for an hour.  Which during those rides you work on lead changes for 15 min, so a total of 45 min a week.  It is going to take you 7 months to get a nice lead change.  That is why people get frustrated and feel like giving up.  This program allows you  to concentrate and to give your horse the time to get the hours in to get the body control that you need.  


Topics Covered 

  • Backing… in straight lines and in circles.
  • Side Passing… over obstacles without anxiety or stiffness or being over bent.
  • Speed Control… using your seat instead of your hands.
  • Directional Control… learning how to control your horses direction without using the horses face.

Topics Covered 

  • Diagonals… all the way to the half pass.
  • Shoulder In… teaching the horse to lead with his shoulder and begin straightness.
  • Hips In… engaging the hip to get impulsion and collection.

What customers are saying...

“I have been through both the Certification and the Performance Program, and the performance program completely changed the way I think about and train horses. The Performance Program taught me to feel the movements of the horse, and gave me tools to fix any problems I was feeling. I know I will do the Performance Program again to further my education. Brandi is one of the best teachers I have ever had, and I am so thankful and grateful to have her as both a mentor and friend.”

Megan C. 

“ The Performance program was raw, hands on and challenging. I was given the opportunity to learn from Brandi, her brother (Josh Lyons) and Steve Ross. I learned the difference between a broke horse and a trained horse. My horse Cruizer started the program as a broke horse and ended becoming a trained horse.  After aches, pains, tears, frustrations and determination I left there with the next level of not just producing a solid “broke” horse but the beginnings of a solid “trained” horse and me gaining the ability to duplicate it here at ALT Training and Horsemanship with my 4 legged and 2 legged clients.

Can’t wait to get down and do it again!!!"

-Angela T




  • Train your horse 
  • Train your body
  • Train your mind 
  • Train your emotions